Lambda Life
Lambda Life has been providing laboratory technologies, chemicals, reagents, and IVD diagnostics for more than 30 years to research, clinical, analytical, and industrial laboratories. The professional approach and experience of Lambda Life a.s. have led to gaining the trust of renowned brands such as PROMEGA, MERCK, Siemens Healthineers, and others in the field of reagents and IVD diagnostics, WATERS in chromatography and mass spectrometry, and ZEISS in microscopy.
R&D Unit
Years of cooperation with researchers led to the establishment of our own Research and development Unit in 2018. Since then, Lambda Life has collaborated on many research projects in a partnership with academic and research institutions focused mainly on biomedical, oncology and immunology research, particularly focused on applied research of circulating tumor cells, exosomes and their contents; for research in the field of complex diagnostics of cancer diseases from liquid biopsy and live tumor cells from tumor tissue, and also for applied research of metabolic support of patients with oncological diseases using in silico analyzes with the help of artificial intelligence.
Major research projects:
1. Integrative strategy in the development of personalized medicine for selected malignant tumors and its impact on quality of life (ITMS2014+ code: 313011V446);
2. Development and implementation of immunomodulatory cell therapy in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic (ITMS2014+ code: 313011ATT8)
Center for Personalised Medicine
In addition Lambda Life operates Center for Personalised Medicine; cooperates with international laboratories focusing in comprehensive genetic and molecular tests; is developing its own clinical tests and provides clinical biochemistry and immunology tests for various patients.

Life Science prístroje
Prístroje a zariadenia na izoláciu DNA, RNA a proteínov, termocykléry, qPCR, genetické analyzátory, fluorometre a ďalšie.
Analytické prístroje
Chromatografické technológie výrobcu WATERS (HPLC a UPLC systémy); spektrometre, titračné zariadenia a pH metre.
Laboratórne prístroje
Laboratórne prístroje do výskumných, klinických, analytických či priemyselných laboratórií: sterilné boxy, centrifúgy, autoklávy a mnohé iné.
Life Science reagencie
Kity a reagencie pre vedecko-výskumné a diagnostické laboratória pre bunkovú biológiu, genomiku, proteomiku a mnohé iné.
Chémia a reagencie
Kompletný sortiment chemických výrobkov, zmesí, kitov a reagencií od výrobcov MERCK, Honeywell a mnohých ďalších.
Laboratórne pomôcky
Striekačkové filtre, ultrafiltračné centrifugačné jednotky, pipety s príslušenstvom, kahany a ďalšie.
Spotrebný materiál
Chromatografický spotrebný materiál – kolóny, vialky, filtračné zostavy; sklenené a plastové výrobky do laboratórií.
Špeciálne prístroje
Prístroje pre poľnohospodárstvo, lesníctvo a starostlivosť o mestskú zeleň, prístroje na určovanie vnútorného stavu stromov a guľatiny.